Newcastle United V Orlando City


Once again the English premier league comes to Orlando. At least a plane load of Bar Code supporters flew in for the match with hundreds of local ex pat Brits also attending to make it a great atmosphere. let’s hope to see many more exciting matches in the future.

Best Philly Cheesesteaks in Orlando


One of those best kept secrets that you don’t want to tell anyone about but you can’t help it because it’s so good. If your in the area, visit Laspada’s on Lee Rd. your hardest decision will be steak or chicken. My advice would be to go with some one else and split one of each. Let me know what the verdict is
Happy eating

A Week in Florida!

Well I tried to post this post or a similar one on my Iphone on Friday night but unfortunately i clicked out of the application after writing it all and it never saved! So here we go again.

Last week was a very busy week here in the US and in particular Florida, the week started with July 4th or Independence Day as it is peraps better known. Independence day is a national holiday here in the US and holds certain traditions. We at Really Florida celebrated with a samll get together at Jonelle and my house. We did a nice BBQ with hot dogs, burgers and of course apple pie. There was also a water slide set up for the kids! i had to show them how to use it of course! to find out more information about Independence Day you can read more here.

Tuesday saw the end of the Casey Anthony trial, which we wont get into. It was one of the largest trials of the last few years, highly publicised the trial is about a mother who may or may not have killed her young daughter. The jury ruled that she didnt based on a lack of evidence. There are now hundreds of debates over this!

Thursday saw the sentencing in the Trial which was for 4 counts of lying to police officials. this holds a 4 year sentence but the judge ruled that the 3 years already served etc that she would be free 6 days later! The end of a very long ordeal.

Friday of course was the last ever Space Shuttle launch! a historic day in the US if not the world, Space Shuttle Atlantis propelled into space as millions watched. The launch was a success and it now has docked at the international space station. On its return from final mission the space shuttle will actually be staying here in Florida, Atlantis is the one out of the 3 that will be an exhibit at Kennedy Space Centre an attraction that is sure to be a big hit for central Florida.

After the busy week the weekend was fairly quiet, lets see what next few weeks have to bring for us here in Central Florida!


The all new Really Florida Blog

Hello All,

the last year has been an eventful one for us all here at Really Florida, we have had some changes and as a result have devoted our time elsewhere away from this Blog! it is my hope now that we can get back on track with this and provide a good Blog that will interest everyone.

Previously our focus was very narrow, offering information on the immediate surrounding areas to where we are based here in Clermont. Whilst this offered good insight into what is happening in the area, it didnt cover other aspects.

We have now come up with a new direction for our Blog, there shall now be more of us with the ability to Blog for a start so we get more view points and opinions. We will be more personal with it, sometimes it may be like a diary post of an experience we have recently had. We will also be adding shorted blogs, little information snippets that we feel we need to post quickly. We will also be keeping you up to date with changes in the industry that may affect either Homeowners or Guests.

So Orlando Vacation HomesWatch this Space!

Really Florida Update

I should Really be updating a lot more often, but what can I say, sometimes time just passes you by so quickly.

The first part of 2011 has been excellent for the business.  We moved in to a brand new office at the Publix Plaza on Hwy 192 and quickly got settled in.  We had one of the best January/February periods to date with an incredible number of snow birds visiting our vacation homes this year.  many of which have rebooked the same homes for similar periods next year!!  This makes us happy, our home owners happy and of course our long stay guests happy, smiles all round 🙂

The run up to Easter and all over the Easter weekend was as busy as usual, lots of people calling for last-minute availability but we had no homes left to rent out over the holiday period!!  This week everyone is leaving and were busy arranging cleans and getting the homes prepared for the pending summer season.  Our busy summer season tends to start Mid June and continue all the way through to Late August.

We would usually try to enjoy the slight downtime we have in May but this year there’s a pretty special event happening for the Really Florida Team.  Not only do we get to celebrate a Royal Wedding next week but on May 20th we also get to celebrate our own wedding, Mark and Jonelle are getting married back in their hometown of Middlesbrough, UK.  It’s a very exciting time for us all, and were leaving the business in the very capable hands of our family and friends that we have over here.

Do any of you guys have plans for The Royal Wedding, or any upcoming wedding’s your excited about?  We would love to hear about your special experiences.

Until the next update, have a Really Great Day!!

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Really Florida Update

Well it’s been quite some time since I last wrote a blog on here and I must apologize for not keeping up to date with it.  We had a tremendously busy Summer, one of our busiest to date (hope that continues!!).

Then just after summer we had all our families over to visit, plus 3 weddings to attend in the space of a month, so our social calendar aswell as our business calendar has been jam-packed.

We also have some very exciting news!! We have just taken lease of a new office space.  Where currently working on making it look perfect so that’s also keeping the Really Florida Crew very busy.  Were hoping to be running the new office by the end of the year and we will be located in the Summer Bay Publix Plaza on Hwy 192 just on your right before you get to Hwy 27.  I’ll keep you up to date with how the move is going and once where in, we would love our owners and guests to stop by and take a look at the new place, maybe give us some feedback!!

Until then I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and find out what everyone’s plans where for the festive holiday? 

The Really Florida Family will be doing our traditional Thanksgiving by watching Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade whilst eating our bacon and brie sandwiches.  Later we have all the family round for delicious turkey and stuffing dinner with lots of nice deserts for after.  We then usually watch a popular fall tradition/competition on the TV, ‘Punkin Chunkin’.  For those that have never watched it, its teams that build devices to throw their pumpkin the furthest, very addicting to watch.

The Really Florida Team has recently gotten in to American Football and we each support different teams, so we will definitely have the NFL games on in the background throughout the afternoon.  Who do you support?

Well that’s all for now, I’ll update you all again soon and in the meantime don’t eat too much turkey!!

Best Wishes, Jonelle.